our history
About Us
The executive management and ownership team of this NEW AGE Cemetery and future Crematory, and Funeral Home / Mortuary, Eden Terrace Memorials, LLC is repleate with Entrepreneurial Zeal, Innovation, and Experience. Which includes High Technology and Farming companies: Alpha Data Corporation, Cloud Bank, Cloud Mini Storage, Cloud XPORT, Alpha Financials Insurance (Life, Health, Annuities, and International Travel), Tree and Produce Farming, Dirt Mining, New Age and state-of-art Real Estate Development.
The basic tenants in the concept and design of Eden Terrace Memorials, LLC (ETM) are:
1. Have a permanent resting place to visit is essential to helping family and friends both grieve and remember
2. We consider it a great honor to be entrusted with providing a focal point of memorialization and why MEMORIALS is in the name of this Cemetery
3. We will make the entire intricate process easy for our clients and the family by offering a complete range of integrated and affordable options
4. Improve the community in which we operate our businesses.
Tranquility * Technology * Convenience * Counseling * Insurance * Travel * Affordability
Are the hallmark of our Cognitive and Motivational BELIEF SYSTEMS.
Military connected and Veterans deserves and receive SPECIAL recognition at ETM with a SPECIAL place of honor!!
We understand that every Funeral is a very special and personal occasion
Uniqueness; Diversity; Distinctiveness; Oneness; Singularity
These terms reflect the Special and Personal Authenticity we at ETM place on ALL our service offerings
- We're trusted by those that know us
The Eden Terrace Memorials Value Creation Model ensures control growth and market expansion. Longevity and mature service to a statewide then a nationwide client base is our goal.
- Funeral experts
We will have an undisputed Funeral Expert funnel that we utilize to ensure an uninterrupted pool of the best talent available in all our market segments.
- The highest standards
Our commitment to highest standards is not only compared to the Death Industry. Our standards are measured against ALL Industry Standards. The cream of the crop.
OUR PRIMARY VALUE PROPOSITION CONSIST OF: CONVENIENCE. CHARACTER. COST. COMMUNITY. SERVICE. Contact us and let us explain. Call, Text, E-Mail, or Video Chat our Professional Staff for a BEST VALUE Quotation.
Tele: +1 662-532-5417 EFax: +1 850-373-4969EMail: ETM-EMAIL@EDEN-TERRACE-MEMORIALS.COM Text: +1 850-259-6638Twitter: HTTPS//www.Twitter.com/VercellV/FaceBook: HTTPS//www.FaceBook.com/Vercell.Vance/WhatsApp: +1 850-259-6638Hangouts: VercellEzra@Gmail.comZOOM/SKYPE/FaceTime/GoToMeeting/HopIn - Just CallCHARACTER.
Without Character: EVIL; CROOKEDNESS; BADNESS; INEQUITY; DEGRADATION; INDISCRETION; INDECENCY; UNSCRUPULOUSNESS; DEBAUCERY; BEASTIE; SINFULNESS; PERVERSION; DISHONESTY; Etc The aforementioned human and business traits are indeed the antithesis of the Thoughts, Values, and Traditions of Eden Terrace Memorials. To Better ensure Good Character: Customers want an integrated DEATH SYSTEM OF SOLUTIONS based on the latest technology developments. We are relying on State-Of-The-Art Technology for Security; Safety; Reliabity and Credential of Systems of Service. Such as: Apps Technology Sensor Technology A/I Technology SAAS Technology Cemetery Technology Management S/W (Online and Networked)Internet Of Things (IOT)Customers want an integrated DEATH SYSTEM OF SOLUTIONS based on the latest technology developments.Security and Safety Technology Video Camera 📷 Technology Live Stream Video Technology (Scheduled and On-Demand): Zoom; HopIn; FaceTime; GoToMeeting; GoogleMeet; EtcTRADITION.
Everthing we plan to do and do at Eden Terrace Memorials, is intended to set a legacy for a Grand Tradition!!!!